Betta Place : Who are the Heroes of Tomorrow? Project implementation and beneficiaries

The Betta Place project aims to shape a promising future for our future heroes on several fronts. Our primary ambition is to provide an opportunity for underprivileged children to access quality education at lower cost, by covering virtually all the beneficiaries’ school fees. But that’s not all: we’re also committed to offering them personalized academic and extracurricular support, including an introduction to innovative trades to help them achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These include sustainable agriculture and renewable energies. Our ultimate goal is to empower young people so that they are financially independent after high school. In so doing, we are helping to train a new generation of leaders capable of energizing their home communities and promoting the importance of rural schooling.

But we can’t do it alone.

That’s why, for this initiation phase, we have established a partnership with the Collège Sacré-Cœur de Marie in Omvan, which will host the various beneficiaries selected for the project. In this way, Betta Place not only remains an ideology, but is taking shape as a physical place, with infrastructures and staff dedicated to the holistic care of beneficiaries.

Who are these beneficiaries? Our future heroes…

The call for applications for the initiation phase was officially launched on April 8, 2024. The initiative covers all elementary school in the Mefou-et-Afamba department in Cameroon’s Centre region. This choice of location is not accidental: it aims to guarantee continuity and a territorial anchorage for future beneficiaries. Indeed, once selected, they will have the opportunity to either study at Collège d’Omvan, located in the same department or remain in their individual schools. This geographical consistency has been carefully thought out to ensure that the beneficiaries do not feel out of place, thus promoting their integration and development within their new learning environment. (Learn more about Omvan)

Candidates are schoolchildren with high academic potential. A total of 15 children will be selected for this introductory phase, the Hopefuls, and only 10 will be admitted to the actual pilot phase of the program, the Heroes. Of these 10, only 5 will benefit from phase 1 of the Betta Place project, to stimulate excellence and ambition.

Students eligible for the project must be in Cours Moyen I (CM1) and eligible for promotion to Cours Moyen II (CMII). They must be between 10 and 12 years of age at the start of the 2024-2025 school year, have an excellent academic record and demonstrate creativity. In addition, a parent or guardian must agree to participate in phase 1 of the project.

Particular attention will be paid to children from large and/or very low-income families.

The call for entries closes on May 10, and the results will be announced to the general public on May 31. Dear reader, do you know one or more children who meet these criteria? Are you interested in the project and would you like to participate in any way? Don’t hesitate to contact us via our various social networks or by e-mail.

If you’d like to find out more about the work of Pierre Thierry Noah Foundation, follow this link.

Are you as excited as we are to see how this project unfolds? You can already take part by making a donation! Your interest and support are vital to building a bright future for our future heroes and the communities they represent.

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Pierre Thierry Noah Foundation mission is to contribute to the edification of Cameroonian society, through a concrete, qualitative and quantifiable contribution to basic education in Cameroon.

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